Cash in Scandinavia
You might not believe your ears, but we have recently been telling clients to buy less money! Read more about how Sweden has been leading the Scandinavian countries in moving towards a cashless society.
The Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC) is the government agency that regulates the Money Service Business (MSB) industry. As an MSB, we are required to register with, and report to FINTRAC. We take this obligation very seriously.
Our policies and procedures are built around ensuring that we are compliant with FINTRAC, and compliant with other pieces of legislature meant to protect staff, clients and information including (but not limited to) PIPEDA, AODA, The Human Rights Code and the Employment Standards Act of Ontario.
As a client, you will see evidence of this during your transaction. Different transactions require different levels of information. We might ask for your driver’s license. We might ask for your passport. We might ask for business documentation. Please know that we safeguard this information and never use it beyond the scope of the transaction and/or business relationship at hand. We will never share or sell this information. We thank you for your patience as we collect this information – we understand that the information is sensitive and will treat it with respect.