Save today’s exchange rate for a trade on a future date!
Currency volatility can present a significant risk to business. Forward contracts are a tool that can be used to mitigate this risk. Essentially, forward contracts establish a trade commitment for a future date (up to a year away), at a rate that reflects today’s current exchange rate.
If you’re buying product internationally, this tool can ensure that the cost of your inventory is fixed, which in turn allows you to price your product while respecting your desired profit margin.
Similarly, if your revenues are in a foreign currency, using a forward contract will protect the value of your future revenue against currency devaluation.
A deposit is required for this type of trade, and there is a minimum trade value of $10,000. Upon maturity, forward contracts can be settled into wire transfers or cheques.
This service is available in person at our office, or can be transacted through email/phone so that you never have to leave your office.
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